Look years younger instantly with zero downtime! This IPL treatment is perfect for removing sun damage, freckles, age spots, broken blood vessels, nose veins and other vascular conditions such as rosacea. It improves skin tone and surface imperfections while also stimulating NEW SKIN cells and collagen. Brown spots will become darker and then flake off in 24 hours up to 2 weeks following the IPL Photo Facial.
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Look years younger instantly with zero downtime! This IPL treatment is perfect for removing sun damage, freckles, age spots, broken blood vessels, nose veins and other vascular conditions such as rosacea. It improves skin tone and surface imperfections while also stimulating NEW SKIN cells and collagen. Brown spots will become darker and then flake off in 24 hours up to 2 weeks following the IPL Photo Facial.
Results after 1 treatment:
Visibly less sun damage and brown spots!
Skin in more even-toned.
Best results are seen in 2-3 treatments done in 4 week intervals.
Photo facials are not safe for all skin colours and conditions. Our highly educated, trained and experienced skin specialists will let you know if you are the right candidate for this treatment during a consultation.
Consultations are always free!